Saturday, March 23, 2013

Halfway Home!

Today is officially the halfway point of the trip and it has honestly been pretty amazing so far. Definitely not what I was expecting or hoping for when I signed up for the trip but an amazing experience none the less.

We have been able to use today to catch up with things around the apartment. The washing machine finally got fixed yesterday morning so we have all been washing clothes as hard as we could go today.  Still not sure about plans for tomorrow, there is a possibility of going to one of several volcanoes close to San Sal but that will dependent upon us finishing going through two huge duffle bags of medicines that need to be sorted for clinic.  It is a cumbersome process but we found some things in there we really needed like antihistamines, cough syrup and children's vitamins all of which we had been out of for quite some time.

This week should be interesting as Semana Santa (Holy Week) officially begins on Monday.  We have been told that this country shuts down more for easter than they do for Christmas.  We are going back to Chalatenango on Monday to do rural clinic and follow up with some of the patients we saw on Thursday then going to an orphanage about and hour from San Sal on Tuesday but our work week is basically done after that.  It will be nice to take in a good bit of the culture here but I would definitely rather be working.  With the Holiday week that unfortunately isn't going to be possible.  We are scheduled to see some cool things though.  On Good Friday we are heading to a small village that does a huge Easter procession and parade complete with the body of Christ being carried in a see through casket through the streets.  Definitely going to be a once in a lifetime opportunity to see that.  I think we are also going to get to head back to the beach for a few days which will definitely be nice.

Hope everyone is well at home, I am definitely looking forward to seeing everyone when I get back.  It is crazy being here tonight, Christina and I are actually supposed to be at a meet and greet for all of the new interns and residents at Cabarrus.  Wish I was there to meet everyone but I am sure I will get to know them all really well very soon.

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