Saturday, March 30, 2013

Less Than a Week Left

It is hard to believe how fast time has passed, Monday will be 3 weeks in El Sal.  Holy Week is definitely in full force and San Sal is much quieter than it has been in previous days.  It is kind of neat to see such a big city by Central American standards come to a screeching halt for a religious holiday.  That isn't to say that people aren't using this time to enjoy the beaches and lakes but most all of the event here are in some way focused on Easter and its meaning.

The past few days have been filled with relaxing and sight seeing.  On Thursday we went to El Tunco for the day.  It is an amazing beach and is one of the surfing capitals of Central America.  It was absolutely packed with Salvadorians on vacation and Americans surfing but we had a great time.  Aside from the surfing it is famous for a large rock in the water not too far from the beach and in general the beach is as much rock as it is sand.  We had a great time and have some great stories, photos and even a few scars from the day to show off when we get home.

The rest of the weekend will more than likely be spent at the apartment or at the places within our "safe zone" here in La Zona Rosa so our preceptors and drivers can enjoy the holiday with their families. It will be kind of different tomorrow not getting up for a sunrise service and not being home for church in general.  It will actually only be the second time in my life I haven't been in NC for Easter.  I hope everyone is able to have a wonderful day, can spend some much needed time with family and will truly appreciate what this Holiday is all about!

El Tunco Rock. Just for a size reference on the right side of the rock there is a surfer.

1 comment:

  1. Good Monday Morning Josh,
    We sure did miss you yesterday and Christina. Looks like this is an amazing place. Have a safe week and hurry home.

    We love you,
    Dad Mom and Kate
